I cannot believe on Wednesday Lotus will be 16 months old and we will be home for 2 months! It has been a wild ride for sure. Alot of transition, patience, tears, hugs, and love. Lotus has changed so much since we have been home. I cannot believe my eyes sometimes. Lotus has definitely mastered walking and has tried to run a few times. She is babbling more and trying some baby food and Gerber Puffs here and there. I am happy when I can get her to eat several spoonfuls, baby steps are fine. I know she will get it soon and start eating us out of house and home. Next week Early Intervention will be evaluating her, if she is deficientby 25% in one of five areas she will be entered into the program. There will be no stopping her, watch out!
The best was this Saturday, Lotus was invited to her first party. It was a 2nd Adoption Day Party for Taylor. It was a messy play party and we painted flower pots to look like lady bugs, made flowers for the flower pot, and made lady bugs out of plates. She was too cute in her apron with her name on it. She was the youngest there and blended right in, she was bounced around a bit but she she just kept going and going. After the party we went to the after party at Laura's house and she played some more with her older friends in Emma's playroom. She fit right in and did not cling to mommy. She really did great, I was so proud of her! I have pics from the day. Sunday we had dinner at mom-mom's so she got to see her cousins. She was so good and happy, running all over the place. We are looking into signing her up for a music class with kids her age to socialize her even more. Kevin will get to take her since classes are on Monday mornings :( (sad I miss out on some of these things). It is getting late, so I will leave you with some photos in a new post.
Deb, Kevin, and Lotus
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